SMTL Medical Disposable Datacard

Plug obturator

All Wales Contract: Intravenous sets and related items
Sterility Status: Sterile
Usage Status: Single use


Plastic hub with male and female luer lock ends. Plugs may possess a male or female luer lock only or may be double-ended, possessing both a male and female end. Plug is colour coded.

Please note: some Trusts have requested that both red and white plug obturators are available as some hospitals use red plugs to identify arterial lines


Key areas where used

  • Theatres
  • ITU
  • General ward use
  • Outpatient clinics

Method of use

Plug is used to close off any female or male ended device to prevent contamination. When infusing, plugs can also be used to cut down the number of IV lines used.

Please note: there is a theoretical hazard when using double-ended plug obturators as they may be used accidentally for connecting IV devices. For this reason single-ended plugs are recommended for ward use whereas double-ended plugs are still considered acceptable for use in theatre.


Individually wrapped in a peel pouch

Sizes Required

  • Not applicable

Example products

The following table lists examples of products known to be acceptable for this product description.

Brand Name Product Code Manufacturer
Combi-Plug double ended IZ2230R BMS Critical Care Ltd
V-Green latex injection 9891.115 Vygon Ltd
Universal UN940/UN877 Universal Hospital Supplies

Revision Details

Editor P Phillips, J Ford
Revision No 1.12
Revision date 03/10/13

Please inform SMTL of any inaccuracies noted or changes required in this datacard.


This datacard has been prepared as an aid to contracting for purchasers in the NHS in Wales, and should not be used as a substitute for literature, instructions or training from the manufacturers of the devices.

Products mentioned in this datacard are for illustration purposes only and should not be seen as an endorsement of these products.

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