SMTL Medical Disposable Datacard

TIVA set

All Wales Contract: Intravenous sets and related items
Sterility Status: Sterile
Usage Status: Single use


Full name: total IV anaesthesia set. Two pieces of flexible transparent tubing which form one channel at one end which terminates with a male luer. Each of the two tubes at the opposite end possess a clamp and terminates with a female luer. There may also be anti-siphon valves at the syringe end of each tube to prevent the siphoning of air or syringe contents. The tubes may be adhered to each other (ie. 'siamese tubing') prior to entering the single channel. The total length of the tubing can be over two meters in length.



Key areas where used

  • Theatre
  • Intensive care

Method of use

Used for anaesthetic procedures. The dual lumen configuration allows the individually controlled administration of two different drugs into the same cannula. The distal end is connected to the cannula and drugs are administered at the proximal end via two syringe pumps.

To use, remove all caps and attach a syringe to one lumen whilst the other is clamped. Prime the lumen and clamp. Following this, repeat with the other lumen. When ready to use, release the clamps on both lumen before starting the pump.


Individually packaged in a peel pouch

Sizes Required

  • Up to 2 meters length

Example products

The following table lists examples of products known to be acceptable for this product description.

Brand Name Product Code Manufacturer
Dual TIVA set 6600 Mediplus


Revision Details

Editor P Phillips, J Ford
Revision No 1.8
Revision date 03/12/13

Please inform SMTL of any inaccuracies noted or changes required in this datacard.


This datacard has been prepared as an aid to contracting for purchasers in the NHS in Wales, and should not be used as a substitute for literature, instructions or training from the manufacturers of the devices.

Products mentioned in this datacard are for illustration purposes only and should not be seen as an endorsement of these products.

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