SMTL Medical Disposable Datacard

Abdominal belt for foetal monitoring

All Wales Contract: ECG Electrodes, Diathermy plates, Defib pads
Sterility Status: Non Sterile.
Usage Status: Single use.


A stretchy band of material (often elastic) in the form of a belt. Belt possesses button holes (and a button in most cases). Some belts come in lengths suitable for individual patients whilst others come as a long strip that can be cut to the length required and the remainder used on subsequent patients (buttons must be obtained separately for this 'cut to size' product).

Please note : it is requested that abdominal belts do not contain latex.

In addition, both reusable and single-use belts are requested.


Key areas where used

  • Maternity

Method of use

The belt is used to secure transducers to the mother's abdomen during labour. One transducer monitors labour contractions and another may be used to monitor foetal heart rates.


  • In packs of up to 100 individual belts or as one long strip to be cut to size.

Sizes Required

  • A variety of widths and lengths are available


Coding System Code Description
NSV FDI224 Belt abdominal foetal

Example products

The following table lists examples of products known to be acceptable for this product description.

Brand Name Product Code Manufacturer
Foetal monitoring disposable belt (1.3m length, 60 mm width) M2208a Philips Medical Systems
Foetal monitoring reusable belt (1.3m length, 60 mm width) M4602a Philips Medical Systems
Foetal monitoring reusable belt (15m cut to length, 60 mm width) M4603a Philips Medical Systems


Revision Details

Editor Pete Phillips
Revision No 1.14
Revision date 2009/01/20

Please inform SMTL of any inaccuracies noted or changes requiredin this datacard.


This datacard has been prepared as an aid to contracting forpurchasers in the NHS in Wales, and shouldnot be used as a substitute for literature, instructions or training from the manufacturersof the devices.

Products mentioned in this datacard are for illustration purposes onlyand should not be seen as an endorsement of these products.

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