PT005 - Offloading Devices - Aug 2018
At the July 2018 meeting, the EBPB noted the Scoping Report produced by SMTL in Nov 2017, and advice from an expert group of Welsh NHS clinicians (Tissue Viability Nurses and Podiatrists) which advised that NHS Wales is already following the advice and guidance from the National Plantar Ulceration Off Loading Pathway (All Wales guidance produced by the National orthotic and Podiatry services in 2016).
This advice states that total contact casts or non-removable cast walkers are the appropriate treatment for offloading of diabetic foot ulcers in most clinical cases and should be the first offloading treatment considered.
The group therefore advised that no further work was necessary on this specific usage.
If you become aware of substantial change in the evidence base or circumstances related to published advice, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. who will then consider whether a review is necessary.
Note that Scoping Reports are no longer produced by EBPB.